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We are Zooming Now

With our doors ordered closed and the requirement to maintain physical distance in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, St. Luke's has had to find new ways to continue in ministry and ensure its essential operations. The question arose: How then shall we meet? The answer was a popular one in this time of self-isolating and travel bans, the online conferencing app Zoom. After a modest payment and a quick review of a “Where to Start” video, Dean Jim had the program up and running, and integrated with the Cathedral's digital calendar.

Since then Zoom has been used for regular meetings of the Cathedral wardens and clergy, as well as a session with our Advisory Board. We have hosted the first virtual gathering of the Algoma Deanery Clericus, the regular meeting of the Anglican ministers of our local area; and soon will be providing an ongoing meeting platform for the McMurray Corporation. While not quite the same experience as a face-to-face meeting, Zoom has quickly become a fast and effective way to stay connected and get things done.

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