Something Brewing

With Diocesan Synod fast approaching, and encouragement from Bishop Anne, St. Luke's decided to repeat its innovative mission project Tarime Sonrise Coffee. In April, “shares” were sold to Cathedral members and friends, the proceeds of which were used to produce one hundred bags of a rich blend of organic, fair trade, African coffee beans, expertly prepared by St. Joseph Island Coffee Roasters – Tarime Sonrise Coffee. Fresh and aromatic, the coffee was offered for sale at our May 2017 meeting of Diocesan Synod at the price of $20 per bag, and sold out in less than 24 hours.
The benefits were many:
Shareholders received a tax receipt for the full amount of their investment in the project.
In just a few short weeks, the value of those shares grew by 48%.
The coffee was locally produced with beans which met the stringent requirements of the fair trade and organic marques.
Those who purchased the coffee received a premium and distinctive product at a competitive price.
100% of the purchase price went directly to our mission priority; there were no administrative fees or overhead costs.
$2,000 were raised toward putting a roof on St. Paul's Church, at the Mogabiri Agricultural Centre in the Diocese of Tarime.