Stained Glass Window Project
It is with a sense of pride and accomplishment that I write this report for your reading pleasure.
What began as a plan to remove, restore, and reinstall the nine north and south wall stained glass windows in the Cathedral, was expanded upon to include the two north wall windows in the Fellowship/Sunday School room and another south wall window in the Choir room. It was felt that over a span of 12 years we could accomplish our intended task and have a window done each year.
When it was announced in past communiques to the St. Luke's parishioners that this project was being undertaken, the project took on a mind of its own. The overwhelming support from people allowed us to finish the project in under a 5 year span.
I am happy to notify everyone reading this, that as of the date of its writing the project is now complete with all 12 windows having been restored and back in their original places.
The successful completion of this project could not have taken place in such a short period of time without people's willingness to participate and the financial backing that accompanies such an endeavour. To each of you I wish to express a sincere "thank you" for all that you do when called upon to ensure that our Cathedral is kept in pristine condition for future generations to enjoy.
D. Robert MacDougall
People's Warden
Pamela Brown in Memory of Clayton Brown
D. Robert MacDougall in Memory of Parents, Gordon & Goldie MacDougall
Robert, John, and Carol Ross in Memory of Loved Ones
Their Excellencies David and Sharon Johnston in Memory of Adelaide Durling
2016 Junior Girls & Boys Auxiliaries in Memory of Dean Emeritus Lawrence Robertson and Joyce Robertson
Betty Cunningham, Kelly Keller and Christian in Memory of Ryan Matthew Keller and Dr. John C. Cunningham
Judith MacDougall in Memory of parents, George and Joyce McConnell, and brother Terry
Ann Corris in Memory of Josephine Corris (2 windows)
David and Penny Tyrrel in Memory of Loved Ones
Leo and Diane La Rue in Memory of Lewis Family Members
Chris and Pat Tossell in appreciation of the St. Luke's Cathedral Community.